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2013/12/3 16:53:49 英国中英兰开夏大学深圳研究院 点击数:
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International Gathering for the “Nanotechnology in Health and the Environment 2013”Organized by the University of Central Lancashire.

由英国中央兰开夏大学开夏生物医药科技(深圳)有限公司(该公司)主办的纳米技术在健康卫生与环境中应用学术研讨会2013 1122日在深圳虚拟大学园顺利召开。此次会议已是该校继20121120日后的第二届纳米技术专题学术研讨会。


      此次研讨会出席的嘉宾包括英国中央兰开夏大学副校长、兰开夏生物医药科技(深圳)有限公司董事Graham Baldwin博士、 英国驻广州领事馆科技与创新处首席代表刘明女士、北京建筑材料科学研究总院副院长、国家建筑防火产品安全质量监督检验中心主任檀春丽女士、公安部四川消防研究所何瑾副教授、深圳虚拟大学园主任王宁女士、合作院校复旦大学、四川大学、中国科学技术大学的教授、英国商会代表、英中贸易协会代表、虚拟大学园院校代表以及协办方深圳市生命科学与生物技术协会代表以及其下属企业等。

       此次研讨会形式上与去年有别,主办方将要发布的四大课题分为三个会场,分别是会场一: 纳米药物给药及计算机模拟技术、会场二:火灾毒性及测量、会场三:污水处理:用于工业和城市污水处理的纳米复合物。  各个会场除了本校与合作院校的教授们发布技术之外,还加入了英国的工业界的合作伙伴通过Skype发布技术。此外,主办方还特邀了各个相关行业的研究所、工业界的技术需求方来演讲其技术需求。这种方式让技术的供需双方对相互的技术与需求都有了更深入的、更全面的了解,这为后续产、学、研的合作搭建了一个良好的沟通平台。




University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) and UCLan Biomedical Technology (Shenzhen) Ltd. (UBTSL) held their second Symposium on Nanotechnology in Health and Environment 2013, at Shenzhen Virtual University Park (SZVUP) Building on 22 Nov, 2013. This event successfully followed on from the inaugural event held by UBTSL on 20 Nov, 2012.


 The conference brought together Dr. Graham Baldwin, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of UCLan and the Director of UBTSL, Madam Liu Ming, Head of Science and Innovation, UK Consulate of General Guangzhou, Madam Tan Chunli, Deputy Director of Beijing Building Materials Academy and the Director of National Security & Quality Supervision and Testing Center for Building Materials and Fire Safety Products, Associate Prof. He Jin, Sichuan Fire Institute of Ministry of Public Security, Madam Wang Ning, Director of SZVUP, Professors from partners universities, Fudan University, Sichuan University, University of Science and Technology of China,  a representative from the British Chamber of Commerce, a representative from the China-British Business Council, representatives from SZVUP member universities, as well as representatives and companies from co-organizer Shenzhen Life Science and Biotechnology Association and other organisations.


 The format of this year’s symposium was different from last year in that it was split into three sessions to allow more in-depth discussion of the results of the research projects between UK and Chinese partners. The sessions were: 1: Nano-medicine delivery and computation, 2: Fire toxicity and measurement, and 3:  Water treatment: nanocomposites for the treatment of industrial and municipal sewage water. Besides the professors from UCLan and its research partners making speeches, an industrial partner from UK also joined the proceedings via Skype. In addition, UBTSL also invited relevant research institutes, companies from industry to talk about their technology demands, which provided a good opportunity for both parties who provide and demand technology to learn about mutual requirements. This communication platform will be very useful for future collaborations.


Senior Directors from UCLan were delighted with the progress made in the symposium discussions. UCLan is keen to work with Chinese partners across academic and industrial organisation to continue to develop the key technologies that are being researched. In time is hoped that UCLan and its partners will be able to apply the technologies in both Chinese and international markets, showing the benefits of international collaboration. The UBTSL office in Shenzhen Virtual University Park is recognised as a key part of that aspiration, providing a base for research coordination and technology transfer going forward.


英国中央兰开夏大学副校长、兰开夏生物医药科技(深圳)有限公司董事Graham Baldwin博士与深圳虚拟大学园主任王宁女士

Dr. Graham Baldwin, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of UCLan and the Director of UBTSL and Madam Wang Ning, Director of SZVUP

会场一: 纳米药物给药及计算机模拟技术 合影

Group Photo of Session 1 Nano-medicine delivery and computation


会场二:火灾毒性及测量  合影

Group Photo of Session 2 Fire toxicity and measurement


会场三:污水处理:用于工业和城市污水处理的纳米复合物 合影

Group Photo of Session 3 Water treatment: nanocomposites for the treatment of industrial and municipal sewage water

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