继2015年12月的中英科技创新孵化器北极光创新创业辅导课程第一期的成功举办之后,英国中央兰开夏大学、兰开夏科技(深圳)有限公司再次联合深圳大学科学技术部、深圳大学大学生创业园共同举办了中英科技创新孵化器北极光创新创业辅导课程第二期。2016年12月2日至4日,北极光课程在深港大学生创业基地咖啡厅举行,来自英国中央兰开夏大学的北极光团队导师John Duckworth和Steven Simm和深圳大学的约50位学生展开课程。导师们基于中国国情和创新创业现状,结合学生的实际情况,专门定制相关课程。课程内容有:全球化概念(出口角度)、战略与企业家精神、企业家战略的特征、环境分析、大计划、创意解难、人力资源管理、商业风险分析、产品和服务开发、大声说出来、实现改善战略、基准测试和改善以及案例研究。通过本次课程,学生们反响热烈,在课上积极提问,课下和导师们讨论,激情高涨,并对本次课程大有赞赏。同时,深圳大学科学技术部主任文振焜,深圳大学科学技术部副主任徐艳丽、深圳大学大学生创业园主任殷涛、深圳大学大学生创业园副主任陈一鸣和英国中央兰开夏大学首席代表、兰开夏科技(深圳)有限公司总经理彭丽思参加了本次课程的启动仪式和结业典礼。
After the first phase of Sino-UK Science & Technology Innovation Incubator Northern Lights Innovation and Entrepreneurship Workshop held on Dec 2015, University of Central Lancashire (hereinafter referred as to “UCLan”), UCLan Technology (Shenzhen) Ltd (hereinafter referred as to “UTSL”) collaborated with Department of Science & Technology of Shenzhen University and Shenzhen University Student Entrepreneurship Park to host Sino-UK Science & Technology Innovation Incubator Northern Lights Innovation and Entrepreneurship Workshop Phase II. From 2nd to 4th Dec, 2016, the workshop took place in the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Student Entrepreneurship Base cafe. John Duckworth and Steven Simm, Northern Lights mentors from UCLan, were delivering the workshop with nearly 50 Shenzhen University students. Based on the Chinese situation and development of innovation and entrepreneurship, considering the level of attendees, John Duckworth and Steven Simm has tailor-made their workshop, including Globalisation Overview (Export Perspective), Strategy & Entrepreneurship, Characteristics of an Entrepreneurial Strategy, Environmental Analysis, The Big Idea, Creative Problem Solving, Business Risk, Human Resource Management, Product and Service Development, Shout About It, Towards Kaizen, Benchmarking & Kaizen, Case Study. By engaging in this workshop, with all the enthusiasm and passion, students had a great interaction with the mentors, brought up questions in the workshop, deeply discussed with mentors after workshop. Mr. Wen Zhenkun, Director of Department of Science and Technology of Shenzhen University, Mrs. Xu Yanli, Deputy Director of Department of Science and Technology of Shenzhen University, Mr. Yin Tao, Director of Shenzhen University Student Entrepreneurial Park, Mr. Chen Yiming, Deputy Director of Shenzhen University Student Entrepreneurial Park and Mrs. Palace Peng, Chief Representative of UCLan and General Manager of UCLan Technology (Shenzhen) Ltd, attended the opening ceremony and awarding ceremony of this workshop.
UCLan Northern Lights team has great incubation service experiences. The workshop is to provide international and professional coaching, including business plan, financing, marketing and public relationship, marketing strategy, risk analysis, business and law. The Northern Lights mentors are qualified and experienced in various industries, who are recognized as the UK training support organisation for its high-quality service. David Cameron has approved a supporting funding to the Northern Lights team. UTSL aims to introduce more UCLan courses and establish innovation and entrepreneurship platform between UCLan and SZU, and boost the development of international cooperation and academic exchanges.
Mrs. Xu Yanli, Deputy Director of Department of Science and Technology of Shenzhen University, was giving her opening speech.
Workshop reviews: